A lot of thanks can be given to the Milwaukee Brewers' defense. Their inability to turn a double-play opened the flood gates for the Giants to beat them 6-1 in games one and two (Monday and Tuesday).
Crushed by the dreaded double-play grounder the Giants were given new life on two different occasions. Once by shortstop Alcides Escobar and the other by former Giant killer, Craig Counsell.
Wednesday was just a hit barrage. The leadoff batter, Andres Torres went yard and the bats got to clicking. The lineup was: Torres, FSanchez, AHuff, PBurrell, BPosey, PSandoval, ERenteria, EWhiteside. Huff continued to rip, after taking Tuesday off. Burrell maintain his plate discipline and had good at-bats. Buster Posey had the best game of his career to date (2 HRs, one of them a Grand Slam), Pablo had 2 hits, Edgar had 3 hits and Eli reached base a couple of times.
Thursday the bats continued to connect. Torres again going yard. Sanchez with 3 more hits. Aubrey Huff with his team-leading 17th home run. Buster hit his 4th home run of the Milwaukee series, 5th on this road trip. Pablo got two more hits as did Edgar. Eli reached base at least once.
The umpire had a tight strike zone that led to the Brewers leaving 17 runners on base and boat loads of bases-on-balls. I don't like that Bruce Bochy removed Barry Zito from the game but Zito would have had to face a player who is having a career year, in Rickie Weeks, and you could understand Bochy's thinking. But watching Barry leave the mound you could see he was not at all amused by being given the hook.
One more out was all Barry Zito needed to qualify for a win but Bochy removed him at 4 2/3 innings. Oh well, Barry, you and the umpire's strike zone were too much for Bochy and his shrinking number of Tums.
On to Washington, DC. Tomorrow, July 9th, will be against the phenom named Strassberg.
We shall see what happens.
Kevin Marquez
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Sweep in Milwaukee
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3:35 PM
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