“These modern analysts! They charge so much. In my day, for five marks Freud himself would treat you. For ten marks, he would treat you and press your pants. For fifteen marks, Freud would let you treat him, and that included a choice of any two vegetables. Thirty dollars an hour! Fifty dollars an hour! The Kaiser only got twelve and a quarter for being Kaiser! And he had to walk to work! And the length of treatment! Two years! Five years! If one of us couldn’t cure a patient in six months we would refund his money, take him to any musical revue and he would receive either a mahogany fruit bowl or a set of stainless steel carving knives. I remember you could always tell the patients Jung failed with, as he would give them large stuffed pandas.”
― Woody Allen, Getting Even
Will the Giants and their fans get a large stuffed panda this year? One thing is for sure, he cannot break a hammate bone any more. So no time on the disabled list for that freakish injury in successive seasons.
Something tells me Pablo grew up a lot last year. He saw his importance to the team and I think he'll be ready to have a breakout season.
You recall in the 2010 World Series he was benched for World Series hero Edgar Renteria. So even when he's not in there he is a link to significant gains with the orange and black.
As far as where he plays, third or first base, will depend largely on Brandon "baby giraffe" Belt. But that, like all prognostications remains to be seen.
Looking forward to 2013 season.
Kevin J. Marquez
Friday, February 8, 2013
What Pablo Will We Get in 2013?
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4:45 PM
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Debacle in Vertical Stripes Overridden by Memory of Giants
I'm sure it's just me. But I have an incomprehensible time digesting games decided by an official's ability or inability to make a call they were hired to make. I don't know (shaking my head). The futility of it all still stings like an infected sight-challenged bee running into me ass-first.
The 49ers had a similar thing happen to them at RFK against the Washington Redskins on January 8, 1984. They fell behind 21-0 and then it all started to click into gear. No more grinding or setbacks. And in what must have seemed like the blink of an eye it was 21-21.
Meanwhile, throughout the game, Mark Moseley was giving good cause for why kickers are so isolated from the team. He missed wide and he missed short. He missed again and again. But when it was all said and done he did kick a 25-yarder for the game winner. Redskins-24 49ers-21. And oh yes, there was an interference call on Eric Wright that was phantom.
The phantom call is the only difference between that game and the 2013 Super Bowl (#47). The 49ers didn't get the phantom call as it remained oblivious to the stripe shirted hack who must have felt like he was in someone else's dream because he was looking elsewhere (in one of the camera angles).
But then again, we have the San Francisco Giants. A team that found a way to come from a 0-2 deficit in Cincinnati, and a 1-3 deficit vs. the beloved St. Louis Cardinals. To have the opportunity to face the big bad putty tats from Detroit. And what happened? They swept the Motor City Kitties in four games.
Ah yes, we have the GIANTS/GIGANTES to help us get over the Super Bowl Forty-Seven debacle in vertical stripes (that involved our Forty-Niners). Something all fans look forward to, Springtime in Arizona, which leads us to the 2013 campaign. Because this team is on a roll!
Go Giants/Gigantes!
Kevin J. Marquez
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2:25 PM